Email Marketing Course and List Building Fundamentals

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Choosing to build a list is the best thing to do if you are looking to build an internet business. By providing value to your subscribers, they will start to "warm-up" and will start taking your recommendations. Their is no magical formula to building a responsive list but their are many key points to consider.
I'm sure you have already heard "the money is in the list," right? Well, if it wasn't true, nobody would be shoving it down your throat. Sounds logical, right?
What Is An Auto-Responder & How Does It Work?
An auto-responder is a service that allows you to pre-load your marketing messages and set specific times and dates for them to be sent. For example: You see an offer that interests you so you insert your name and email address. You are then sent a series of pre-loaded messages that "follow up" with you.
Using an auto-responder is very easy. You are given the code to paste on your web page, and voila... You have a form that your prospects can simply opt-in to.
You can set an unlimited number of messages to be sent day 1, day 2, day 7, day 10 etc...
So How Do I Make Money With A List?
Their are many different approaches to take, but once you have a hungry crowd of people, money is as easy as sending an email to your list with your affiliate links or personal product offers. Once you have people who want to know what you have to say and recommend, you will have a list of hungry buyers waiting for you to give them their next opportunity to buy.
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